Are You a Workaholic or
an Optimal Performer?
Your Score: 67-100%
You are a workaholic with a poor work-life balance and at burnout risk. People around you might be also emotionally affected. Get in touch to find out how to move forward and overcome your issue.
Your Score: 57-66%
If you are at a moderate score, you could be developing or are already mildly impacted by work addiction. To ensure your good health and wellbeing you may consider some modifications to find a sustainpabe work-life balance.
Your Score: 25-56%
You are an optimal performer and not impacted by work addiction. You are a hard worker and your burnout risk is low. You have a good work-life balance and your work habits are healthy.
Many workaholics disassociate themselves from being addicted to work or busyness. Comments such as "I don't work that much", "I spend enough time with my family", or "I have enough vacation" are part of the denial process.
However, a closer look indicates that their lives, vacations, friendships, or hobbies often just an extension of their jobs and resemble being over-scheduled, impatient, and having a primary focus on making money.
Outsider feedback from spouses, partners, and loved ones is often exactly the opposite and contradictory to the workaholic's view!
Work addiction is the best-dressed disorder in our society. However, please remember, any type of addiction is a destructive coping mechanism, that leads to compulsive behaviors and is often unconscious choices.
When someone has an unhealthy relationship with work, it can have adverse effects on their personal life, physical health, and mental wellness.
If you’re concerned about your (or your partner's) addiction or compulsive behaviors (work, adventure, smoking, internet, shopping, sex, eating, drug, money, things, alcohol, or something else) please get in touch below for a confidential, complimentary consultation to help you move forward.
It’s easy to boost your achievements whilst neglecting your health and wellbeing.
It’s easy to be a high performer whilst compromising on your deeply connected relationships.
It’s easy to devote your life to building your empire while putting on hold your joy and peace of mind.
There exists right now a way to liberate yourself from the trap of work addiction...
without fighting or forcing willpower on yourself
without having inner conflicts and feeling of being torn apart
without a need for rigid discipline and restrictions
without a need to practice yet another exotic ritual or follow some regime
without needing to be a neuroscientist or psychology expert
without having to do any homework or task
without having to share confidential detail about your struggle
without getting stuck in analysis paralysis
without having to dig into old emotional wounds from the past
without having to work even harder to find a solution
Transform your addiction to work with the gentle, and cutting-edge Core Transformation® process and install a balanced lifestyle at the deepest level both in personal and professional areas of your life
with Nell Puetter
The truth is, a balanced work-life balance doesn’t start with your decision in your head; it is rooted at the unconscious automatic level.
That's why, when you enter into an alliance with your unconscious to achieve your goal, you can easily rewire for a new, balanced lifestyle.
As an Unconscious Mind Coach, and certified Core Transformation® Coach I've helped many people to shift at the deepest level and gently transition to a healthy balanced life.
In individual inner work sessions, I will guide you step-by-step through the transformative process to help you rewire your addiction, reduce stress while activating your potential at the deepest level.
As a result, you will integrate all conflicting parts (subpersonalities) to move in one direction of sustainable performance.
You will become a master of your inner mental resources and will transform your blocks which are the root cause of your addiction.
You will regain your inner balance, clarity, purpose, and fun, cultivating your emotional stability, which is a foundation of optimal performance, meaningful growth, and fulfilling life.
Apply for a free consultation to explore how to move forward